The entire ESIT consortium is grateful and proud to report several newly-published project scientific publications:
ESIT PhD candidates Stefan Schoisswohl and Jorge Simoes co-authored an article with high relevance to the current coronavirus crisis, on the effects of the pandemic on tinnitus. It can be accessed here or by clicking on the image below:
Muntazir Mehdi (University of Ulm), Constanze Riha (University of Zurich), and Albi Dode (University of Ulm) collaborated for a publication on eHealth and mHealth and its implications for tinnitus, to be found here or by clicking the below image:
Sana Amanat, ESIT doctoral researcher at the University of Granada/Genyo Lab Granada contributed a new publication on tinnitus genetics here, or through a click on the below graphic:
Furthermore, two ESIT-associated scientific submitted in the years 2018 and 2019 became publicly available:
ESIT supervisor Antonio Lopez-Escamez and colleagues completed a review on Ménière's disease treatment, to be found here or clicking below:
And ESIT supervisors Christopher Cederroth and Barbara Canlon contributed novel insights in tinnitus genetics, here or through a click on the image below:
The gratest congratulations and thanks to all authors and co-authors, from all ESIT! We're already very much looking forward to many further upcoming publications!
Overall, we have now reached a total of 28 ESIT publications!